Monday, January 30, 2017

Puppet Networking Example

The majority of our Puppet modules - and I think most organisations that adopted Puppet over 5 years ago are in the same boat - is nothing to be proud of. It's written for a specific internal purpose for a single operating system, and has no tests. It was written very quickly to achieve our purpose. These internal modules aren't really worth sharing, as there's much better modules on the Forge or GitHub. Over the years I've been slowly retiring our home grown modules for superior, publicly available modules, but it's a long process.

There are a couple of our internal modules that I am quite proud of though. One of them is our Networking module, which we use to write the configuration files that describe the interfaces, bonds, vlans, bridges, routes and rules on our Red Hat derived systems. Our networking module allows us to quickly define an interface for a VM with a piece of Hiera config if we want something quickly, but the real strength of it comes from how we use it to model our defence in depth networking architecture for our platform.

The module's not perfect, but we've been able to largely abstract our logical network design from how we implement it physically. Our Puppet roles and profiles describe themselves as having "Application Networks" and the module takes care of what that looks like on servers in different environments - perhaps it's an untagged bonded network in production but it's vlan tagged in staging with a completely different IP range.

Here is the module + accompanying documentation on GitHub, along with the first few paragraphs of the Preface.


This is not a "real" Puppet module - it's not designed to be cloned or put on the Forge. It even refers to other Puppet modules that are not publicly available. In fact, if you did blindly install this module into your infrastructure, I guarantee it will break your servers, eat your homework, and kill your cat.

This module is a fork of LMAX's internal networking module with a lot of internal information stripped out of it. The idea behind releasing this is to demonstrate a method of abstracting networking concepts from networking specifics. It is designed to educate new LMAX staff, plus a few people on the Puppet Users list who expressed some interest. The discussion in Puppet Users thread How to handle predictable network interface names is what motivated me to fork our internal module to describe it to other people.

I'm now going to fabricate a scenario (or a "story") that will explain the goals we are trying to reach by doing networking this way in Puppet. While the scenario's business is very loosely modelled on our own Financial systems architecture, the culture and values of the Infrastructure team in the scenario match our own Infrastructure team much more closely - which is how our Puppet networking evolved into what it is now.

If the scenario sounds completely alien to you - for example if you run a Cloud web farm where every instance is a transient short-lived VM - then the design pattern this module is promoting probably won't be that helpful to you. Likewise if you are a 1 man Sys Admin shop then this level of abstration will read like a monumental waste of time. If however you run an "enterprise" shop, manage several hundred servers and "things being the same" is very important to you, then hopefully you'll get something from this.

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